The Virtuous Wife

What do you think when you read about the virtuous wife in proverbs 31? I have to be honest I read that passage and it just didn’t resonate with me the first time through. This woman was incredible. She was the modern day work at home mom. She managed her business, kept her kids in line, maintained her household, and still found the time to purchase land and maintain crops. Don’t even get me started on the fact that her children “rise up and call her blessed,” most days I am lucky to get a “thanks for the juice box, mom.”

I decided to go through, verse by verse, and list off all the things that made this woman so incredible. If you want to follow along I am in the NKJV Proverbs 31:10-30:

V.10- There was not a price tag you could put on a woman of this caliber.

V.11- She was trustworthy.

V.12- She did not cause her husband shame or drama.

V.13- She enjoyed working with her hands.

V.14- She was reliable and always made sure her family was fed.

V.15- She tirelessly supplied for her family.

V.16- She was wise with her money, and used her purchases to bring her family profit.

V.17- She was strong physically, mentally, and spiritually.

V. 18- She was confident and diligent in her work.

V. 19- She provided her family clothing.

V.20- She served others in need.

V. 21- She was prepared.

V. 22- She used her God given abilities for her family first, then for profit.

V. 24- She provided for her household and took pride in her work.

V. 25- She was strong and honorable.

V. 26- She was wise and kind.

V. 27- She watched over her household, and refused idleness.

V. 28- Her husband and children respected her position, and admired her.

V. 30- Her traits were more valuable than outward beauty.

I was hoping to pluck a few qualities from this passage to apply to my daily life, but if I am being honest I felt a little bombarded. I jokingly thought to myself, she had to be one tired woman. She was up early preparing for her day, and her lamp did not go out by night? I mean, if her kids were like mine they kept her up all night too, so when did she sleep?

Here is the thing, this woman was human. She struggled. She cried. She experienced all the emotions we experience today. What is beautiful about this passage is the fact that, her sins and downfalls were not mentioned. This scripture was not meant to be a reminder of our shortcomings as mothers, but as inspiration for us to be the best moms we can be for our family.

She made her family her number one priority, and they all had much respect for her position. I love this, because it speaks to all women. It says God doesn’t care if you stay at home, work at home, or work away from home, you can still put your family first. When the world says you are being a bad mom for working away from your kids, or you are being a bad woman for staying at home with them, my dear friend that is not what God says. God wants you to have peace in your journey through motherhood, so stop believing the lies of this world. When you put your family first, your children will rise up and call you blessed!

This week I pray we all strive for the qualities of the virtuous wife. I pray that no matter what this life throws at us, we remain focused on the truths found in the word of God. Let’s be thankful for God’s word, and the encouragement it offers. I hope anyone struggling as a mother or wife can read this, and know that your hard work is seen. God has called you to this season of life, and He sees your effort.

Share your thoughts on the Proverbs 31 wife in the comments!

God bless!


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